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There’s no such thing as a B2B customer: Why B2B marketing needs a makeover

American Marketing Association

Originally Published:

It feels like we’ve been discussing the evolution of B2B marketing forever. Companies in B2B have been fine-tuning their advertising and marketing strategies for years.

Now, though, we’re at a pivotal moment where the tweaking needs to stop and a new approach needs to be embraced by all. Why? Because it’s time we reconsider how we approach our customers. Regardless of whether they’re investing in a software-as-a-service platform or buying a new pair of Crocs, customers are individuals with dreams, desires, and personal goals. It’s time to embrace this reality.

Why do B2B companies handle their customers differently than their B2C counterparts? While B2C dives head-first into emotional storytelling and brand-centric narratives, B2B has stuck to the tried-and-true functional and product-centric playbook. But here’s the twist: whether they’re buying for themselves or their teams, customers are, at their cores, people. So why the disconnect in how we engage with them?

The crucial first step is to understand that the B2B customer isn’t the relic of the past that our marketing methods seem to suggest. As digital natives, millennials (and now gen Zs) bring a fresh perspective, complete with unique online behaviors and expectations. A study by Ethos Marketing highlighted these generations’ demand for speed and efficiency, with 60% saying they won’t tolerate slow-loading platforms.

Meanwhile, gen Z is growing up. They’re not in trainee or exec roles anymore; they’re becoming decision-makers with influence and responsibility. I’ve seen firsthand how social media managers and content teams in our agency play a pivotal role in choosing the tools we use. The shift in decision-makers demands a shift in marketing strategies to align with their preferences.

Customer-centric marketing is more than testimonial videos

While customer testimonials are an industry standard and contribute to SEO (so, yes, keep them coming), in today’s sea of sameness, they fall short of helping you truly stand out and create meaningful connections.

Consider flipping the script on B2B interactions by embracing a consumer-led approach. Instead of the usual campaign focused on product features, envision acting more like a consumer brand, emphasizing real benefits. Take, for instance, Semrush’s recent ‘My Life, My Terms’ campaign. Rather than centering it around the product’s features, the brand highlighted a real customer’s story to showcase how the tool simplifies her workday, enabling her to savor a full life outside of work hours.

In a recent discussion with Vimeo, Olga Andrienko, vice president of brand at Semrush, shared, “Our biggest aspiration was to act like a consumer brand; to bridge this emotional gap that is missing.” This shows how embracing a lifestyle-focused marketing approach is solid proof that when you put customers at the heart of things and create emotional connections, you build stronger bonds and brand loyalty.

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